Madd as a Hatter

Contests & Entries

The Mummy/Egypt Contest :

As you can tell by my current layout, I love the movies "The Mummy" and "The Mummy Returns" and am very interested in Egypt. So, I've decided as a way to celebrate the new layout, that a contest needs to be held!
Yes, that's right. A contest based off of The Mummy movies or whatever inspires you that is Egyptian.

So what are the requirements, you might ask?
Simple. You can doll any of the characters from any of The Mummy movies, be it from the black and white original movie, or even the crappy third instalment of The Mummy Franchise.
Don't want to doll a character from the series? That's fine. Let the pyramids, sand, camels, and interesting history of Eygpt inspire you. You can doll pharohs, slaves, or even architects.
Just have fun with it...who knows what beauties you might dig up. ;)

Contest will end on December 22 and voting will last until December 31.

To enter, please fill out the following information and send your doll to
Your Name:
Your Site: (not required to enter)
Your Email:
Base URL:
Please include the doll in the email. It can be an attatched file or a link elsewhere.

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